Representative: Prof Dr Dr Bettina Pfleiderer
MWIA representative to the standing committee to European physicians (CPME), MWIA past president Prof. Dr. Dr. Bettina Pfleiderer, participated at the General Assembly and Board virtual meetings on 19 and 20 March 2021. Please read the press release on the main outcomes of the virtual meetings:
I want to highlight this special publication: In the CPME Public Health and Disease Prevention Session, Professor Heidi Larson, showed the key findings of the 2020 “State of Vaccine Confidence in the EU+UK report” ( published by the European Commission and the Vaccine Confidence Project of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in December 2020. CPME members contributed to this study through a survey in spring 2020. There are individual factsheets for many countries for the year 2020 being available for download.
CPME newsletters can be found under this link:
Figure 1. Cover of the CPME March 2021 newsletter