About us
Partner Organisations
Standing Committee of European Doctors
European Women’s Lobby
Women in War
Other partnerships include:
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
- Every Woman Treaty
- WHO and UNHCR secretariat of the Group of Friends of Health (GoFOH)
- Global Sepsis Alliance
- Civil Society partner to World Health Summit
- Africa Women Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF)
- Innovation Partnerships, Equity 2030 Alliance
- Partnership of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH) of WHO
- Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CanWaCH)
- White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood with MWIA sitting on its advisory committee for Respectful Maternity Care
- Department of Public Information at the UN (DPI NGO). This is a resource centre, has NGO briefings an annual conference which MWIA attends
- ZONTA International aims to advance the status of women and MWIA in Canada and the US has partnered to deliver birthing kits to many different countries.
- Rickards family of the DAK Foundation (Australia). They have donated countless ultrasound machines for MWIA to distribute to countries in need
- Women in Global Health advocating for gender equality in global public health
- World Medical Association where MWIA has observer status
- Rose Charity whose mission is to support communities to improve the quality of life and with whom MWIA worked to ensure an ultrasound machine from the Rickards Family reached Afghanistan.