Swedish Medical Women´s report for spring 2021

Summer night in Stockholm archipelago
Due to the pandemic we have not been able to have any physical meetings or live lectures. We have had board-meetings on-line and we held a seminar on racism and sexism within our profession. It is obvious that both sexism and racism are evident in both teaching environments as in clinical work. The seminar was well visited by both students and doctors and everybody felt that new insights have enriched us. A lot of situations and reactions to sexism and racism felt familiar and a deeper understanding of one´s own reactions was reached. Even in such a country as Sweden doctors are not being treated differently both by employers and patients due to their sex and or race. It is far more difficult to get a job- or even get called to an interview – if you have the wrong name.
We have also been active in our lobby work and are working close to the Swedish Women’s lobby against surrogacy. A debate article published this week in one of the biggest daily papers was published in mid-June on the subject.
Preparations for the Northern Europe Regional meeting (which has been cancelled twice due to Covid-19) are going on. The meeting will be held on-line the 13th of November and the subject will be “Environmental effects on the life and health of women and woman doctors”. I hope to see you all there! Until then have a great summer!