Representative: Prof Dr Dr Bettina Pfleiderer

Prof. Dr. Dr. Bettina Pfleiderer, MWIA Past President and Dr. Elizabeth Lichtenstein, MWIA VP Northern Europe attended the European Women’s Lobby annual General Assembly from 4-7 June 2021. Due two COVID-19, it was held virtually. Over 130 delegates, representing EWL’s 48 full member organisations (use this link: and our supporting member organisations (use this link: discussed strategies for 2022, as well as EWL´s work programme. This little video summarizes in a nutshell how we work during the pandemic:

EWL´s focus in 2022 will be on:
• the implementation and monitoring of commitments in
the EU Strategy on Gender Equality, gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting;
• developing recommendations and advocating for a “Care Deal for Europe”;
• continue advocating for a comprehensive legal framework on violence against women and girls, including sexual exploitation and online violence.

Bettina Pfleiderer, as member of the EWL’s Membership Committee, presented their proposal for EWL’s next membership fee policy, which will be further optimized and after approval piloted in the next 12 months.

This year, a new Board of Administration for the years 2021-2023 was elected and MWIA is one of the 39 new board members (29 national coordinations and 10 European-wide organizations). Bettina Pfleiderer was re-elected as MWIA- representative on the EWL board, as she is serving on the EWL board since 2018 and Dr. Elizabeth Lichtenstein is her alternate.

Bettina Pfleiderer was not only elected as new member of the EWL Executive Committee 2021-2023 with 93% of all votes, but that she was also elected as one of the two new EWL Vice-presidents by the EWL Executive Committee ( She will do her best to represent MWIA well. .

Figure 1. Screenshot of the first EWL Exco meeting after the election June 7th, 2021.