National Representative: Dr. Karen Poirier-Brode (United States of America) 

AMWA is excited for our 107th Annual Meeting, “Thriving with Tenacity, Humor, and Hope,” a virtual meeting, March 24-26, 2022 (Fig. 1).  Save the date! We would love to have our international colleagues attend with us.

The program contents are available on the AMWA website at

The program will focus on Mental Health to optimize our potential (including the importance of humor), Gender, and Health, with a keynote on Heart Disease in Women, Leadership, and General Medical Education topics and Student Programs.

The American Medical Women’s Association, in partnership with the Laura W. Bush Institute for Women’s Health at Texas Tech, the Mayo Clinic, and Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, held the 4th “Sex and Gender Health Education meeting” in November 2021. Eliza Lo Chin, MD, MPH, Executive Director of the American Medical Women’s Association, emphasized the role of education in healthcare to engage thought leaders to use a sex and gender lens to address intersectionality with race and social determinants.

COVID-19 remains a vital issue for AMWA. We continue our efforts to promote vaccination. We partnered with to help increase access to vaccines for communities of color in the USA and have held webinars with global partners to address responses to the pandemic. We invite our international partners to visit  for a comprehensive overview of resources and information on the pandemic.

Listening to the voices of our patients and our communities is a critical issue for AMWA. We invite international members to join AMWA for a “Learning to Listen” book discussion with Vidhya Prakash, MD, on December 1 at 8 pm EST.

AMWA is committed to reproductive health issues and, as part of a series of workshops on this issue, will present “Turning Fertility Challenges to Change” on January 24 at 8 pm EST. Our premed division has partnered with the organization to end period poverty. Menstrual equity is the focus of the AWHS and partnership to provide 1000 menstrual pad packets for women in Surinam.

AMWA has a strong program in Physician Leadership. The ELEVATE track offers an elective program in leadership for practicing physicians, Learn more at

EVOLVE is an elective program for physician trainees. Both program tracks offer substantial discounts for AMWA members. IGNITE is a free program on the AMWA website for AMWA student members.

AMWA’s Past-President, Dr. Gayatri Devi, was featured in a “60 Minutes” segment about Tony Bennett’s preparation for his last concert with Lady Gaga (CBS News).

Fig. 1: Graphic for AMWA Annual Meeting 2022

Fig. 1: Graphic for AMWA Annual Meeting 2022