The EWL calls on EU leaders to include women in the talks and peace processes

The last 3 months were overshadowed by the war in the Ukraine and the EWL organised a webinar at March 3, 2022 with the National Council of Women of Ukraine. After the webinar,  the European Women’s Lobby endorsed a statement calling on EU leaders and the international community to include women at every stage of peace talks and processes in Ukraine: (

In light that over 4 million people will flee Ukraine with most being women and children it is also most importantly to take measures to “prevent the sexual exploitation of women and girls who could fall prey to unscrupulous trafficking networks and pimps”.

New EU directive on combating violence against women and children

On International Women’s Day, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomed the European Commission’s legislative proposal on combating violence against women and domestic violence ( This is a success for the EWL and its members, who have long fought to bring the issue of violence against women and girls on the EU political agenda. In this EU landmark Directive is e.g. female genital mutilation violence against women recognized as a criminal offence. The full EWL press release can be found here:

EWL campaign to end all forms of violence

EWL campaign to end all forms of violence

There is no planet B

The EWL, ahead of the 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), has published a statement addressing gender equality in the context of climate change: link:

The EWL had also organized together with its French member, la CLEF, the French Presidency and the Trio Presidency (Czech Republic and Sweden) a side event on the theme of women and the environment, during the CSW, on 17 March. This event was excellent and very well received.

EWL campaigns around the CSW theme on climate change and justice.

EWL campaigns around the CSW theme on climate change and justice.