Region: Northern Europe (Sweden)
The Swedish spring has been unusually cold. Not only due to the weather but also the continuation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The situation is turbulent and we are worried about the progress of the crisis.
In May, Swedish Medical Women’s Association, KLF, had an inspiring and energizing board member weekend in Stockholm. We have a new president, vice president and four new board members (Fig. 1). During this weekend, the board had a theme day about motions and we learnt how to effectively strengthen the communication with the Swedish Medical Association. KLF has also started to plan our annual autumn meeting. The theme will be leadership and management of master suppression techniques as female leaders.

Photo 1: The new board of the Swedish Medical Womens Association.
The 11th of September is the day of election to the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament), the highest decision-making assembly in Sweden. These elections are every fourth year. KLF is planning to communicate with the political parties about critical health care related issues during the political week, Almedals-veckan, in July. The lack of resources in maternity care, unequal pay and gender-based discrimination in health care are some of KLF:s central issues that we have been working with since the start in 1916 – and there are still major changes to be done.
We are looking forward to taking part of the international congress in Taiwan. We wish Taiwan good luc!