The RFM (Network of Women Doctors of Mali) is a Malian association of women doctors, created on September 15, 2013 with the following general objectives:
- To promote public health in Mali
- To contribute to the development of women in general and women doctors in particular.

Fig. 1: International Women’s Day – Mali, 2022
1. On March 08, 2022, the network of women doctors of Mali, organized at the community health center of ‶Doumanzana″ a day of general and specialized medical consultation with donations of medicines, screening for high blood pressure/diabetes and cervical cancer, awareness sessions on Family Planning and Covid 19.During these days 882 people received a general or specialized consultation; 78 women were screened for cervical cancer and 225 people were screened for diabetes and high blood pressure.

Fig. 2: Training in Female Leadership – Segou, 2022
2. Our Association also participated in various activities with the Ministry of Women’s Promotion, Family and Children including the celebration of International Women’s Day. Through that partnership sessions on training of trainers in women’s leadership, gender and girls’ empowerment; SRHR (sexual and reproductive health rights) and coaching were organised.10 women doctors from RFM were trained and in turn trained 100 women in July and August in women’s leadership, gender and girls’ empowerment; SRHR across the country, including 60 in Bamako Region, 20 in Sikasso Region and 20 in Segou Region.
3. Each woman will coach 8 people from July to September with 4 sessions per coach.