Gratitude to Dr Magda Carneiro-Sampaio, LA VP MWIA, my predecessor for her amazing and Dr Marilene Melo that introduce me ABMM. ABMM founded in 1960, dedicated to taking care on the health of Brazilian women and by 2030, women doctors will be the majority. The main achievement is ongoing, introducing the Law for all the Brazilians medical schools having the knowledge about Gender Medicine.
The office of the Brazilian Medical Women’s Association (ABMM) at the downtown building. Additionally, it provides secretariat support and rooms for regular board meetings. Since the pandemic, the meetings are hybrid, using the online zoom platform. The website of the Association is The main activities are described below:
- ABMM has a special Department of Gender Medicine. The activities related to it are the focus of the Association and we had outstanding achievements over the last years as Team Leaders in Medicine.
ABMM was the pioneer in Brazil in the dissemination of Gender Medicine among medical schools and associations. The State of São Paulo recently approved a law in June 2018, including Gender Medicine in the Internal Medicine curriculum for public medical schools. Since then, major medical schools in São Paulo have implemented it with the support of ABMM.
The first one to implement it was UNIFESP (Universidade Federal de São Paulo) followed by the Medical School of Santa Casa. On August 22, 2022, with the presence of Director Tarcisio Eloi, FMUSP (Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo), Gender Medicine was in the medical curriculum.

Fig. 1. Director Tarcisio Eloi FMUSP (Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo). ABMM and FMUSP Directors –
The Gender Medicine scientific program for medical students is based on different manifestations of pathologies in men and women and has preliminary speakers inside of ABMM.
- Ana Regina Cruz Vlainich (Governance and Health)
- Anna Maria Martits (Endocrinology and Education)
- Elisa Maria do Céu Batista Moreira Garcez (Mental Health)
- Elizabeth Regina Giunco Alexandre (Cardiovascular Disease)
- Fátima Regina Abreu Alves (Sleep disorders)
- Francy Reis da Silva Patricio (Overview and historical landmarks)
- Magda Carneiro Sampaio (Child and Adolescent diseases)
- Marilene Rezende Melo (Coordination)
- ABMM Board members’ conferences and academic participation in Gender Medicine.
- The ABMM organized a virtual event on the National Day of Awareness of Cardiovascular Diseases on May 15, 2022, and Elizabeth R. G. Alexandre, ABMM President gave a lecture on the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in Women.
- The Brazilian Society of Cardiology and the women’s cardiology department promoted a virtual webinar on coronary artery disease dilemmas in young women on May 28, 2022. Elizabeth R. G. Alexandre delivered a lecture and was the moderator of this session.
- Virtual Attendance of Anna Maria Martits and Fatima Regina Abreu Alves at Dr. Janice Werbinski conference “Mandating Sex and Gender Health Education in Medical School: What can we learn from Global Efforts?” at the 32nd International Congress of MWIA in Taiwan on June 23, 2022.
- The “Education Course on Pregnancy and Cardiopathy” was an event held by medical women dedicated to cardiovascular diseases affecting pregnant women. Its version was carried out on a virtual platform with the significant participation of the cardiologist Elizabeth R. G. Alexandre, president of ABMM, on May 5, 2022, with the lecture entitled “Ischemic coronary syndromes during pregnancy”.
- II International Symposium on Cardiovascular Diseases in women, September 17, 2022. The ABMM´s current President Elizabeth R. G. Alexandre moderated the section and Dr. Fatima Regina de Abreu Alves was a speaker on “sleep disorders – differences between men and women”.
- The WASPaLM, XXXI World Congress of the World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, together with the XXVI Congress of the Latin American Association of Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine (ALAPAC/ML), the XVIII Uruguayan Congress of Clinical Pathology(SUPAC) and the 1st International Meeting of Medical Residents in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, held from September 29 to October 2, 2022, in Punta del Este – Uruguay. Marilene Melo (Former President of WASPaLM) presented a lecture: “Infarction on Women”.
- Medical Academy of São Paulo (Academia de Medicina de São Paulo), Brazil, Lectures from the ABMM leaders
- May 11, 2022, Tertulia AMSP – Gender Medicine., Marilene Rezende de Melo
- August 10, 2022, Tertulia AMSP – Climaterio and Hormon Therapy. Sonia Maria Rolim Rosa Lima
- ABMM, virtual scientific meetings
- Elizabeth R. G. Alexandre – Different symptoms of Infarction in Women.
- Ana Regina C. Vlainich – Women’s Eye Health Care.
- Sonia M R Rosa-Lima – Menopause: what you need to know?
- Publications
- Carneiro-Sampaio, Magda; Sumita, Nairo Massakazu; Slhessarenko, Natasha; Duarte, Alberto José da Silva. Book in Portugues, on Pediatrics: Medicina Laboral em Pediatria. Ed Manole. FMUSP. Instituto da Criança e do Adolescente.
- Prates Nadir Eunice Valverde, E-Book preface, Hipócrates Pioneiro da Bioetica. Bioetica a Beira do leito. Dr Prates is a General Secretariat of Pan American Academy of Medicine History.
- Prates Nadir Eunice Valverde, Book preface, São Paulo Medical Academy. Ed Helio Begliomini.
- Silvia Hernández-Durán1 2, Katharine Drummond 3 4, Claire Karekezi 5, Mary Murphy 6, Farideh Nejat 7, Nelci Zanon 8 9, Gail Rosseau 10. I. International Women in Neurosurgery. Adv Tech Stand Neurosurg. 2022; 45:1-33. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-99166-1_1. PMID: 35976446
- Editorial: Optic pathway glioma: A multidisciplinary entity, posing dilemmas in diagnosis and management. Habibi Z, Meybodi AT, Lo WB,Zanon N. Front Surg. 2022 Aug 3;9:995404. doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2022.995404. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35990103
- Equity in neurosurgery: a worldwide survey of women neurosurgeons. Koutsouras GW, Zhang L, Zanon N, Lam S, Boop FA, Tovar-Spinoza Z.J Neurosurg. 2022 Jul 29:1-9. doi: 10.3171/2022.6. JNS22466. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35907187
- LIMA, Sônia Maria Rolim Rosa; GAMBERINI, M. T. ; RODRIGUES, D. S. ; SILVA JUNIOR, P. I. ; TORRES, K. A. M. . Antimicrobial And Synergistic Activity of The Drug Association of Allium Sativum and Antibiotics Against Group B Streptococcus. Research Square, v. 2022, p. 1, 2022.
- FURTADO MACRUZ, CAROLINA; LIMA, Sônia Maria Rolim Rosa. Effects of (L.) Nutt on sexual function in women receiving tamoxifen for breast cancer. JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, v. 359935, p. 1-5, 2022
- Liaisons with other organizations, medical associations, etc.
- Irene Abramovich is the current president of the São Paulo Council of Medicine (2021-23), which is the most important institution for the control of medical practice in the State of São Paulo, where most ABMM members perform their activities.
- Natasha Slhessarenko was elected a member of the Federal Council of Medicine (3-year term), which is the most important institution for the control of medical practice in Brazil. Among her activities, she coordinates a committee on rare diseases, of which Dr. Magda Carneiro-Sampaio is a member.
- São Paulo Academy of Medicine (AMSP), the ABMM members are: Marilene R. Melo, Dr. Angela Maggio da Fonseca, Dr. Nelci Zanon Collange, Dr. Sonia Maria Rolim Rosa Lima, Dr. Magda Carneiro-Sampaio. Dr Marilene Melo is the treasurer of the AMSP.
- Magda Carneiro-Sampaio is a member of the National Academy of Pediatricians.
- Ana Maria Moura developed a capacitation course for health professionals to take care of patients with “rare diseases” inside the Ministry of Health.
- Sonia Maria Rolim Rosa Lima, Young Researcher Award Honorable Mention for the work “Effects of microablative fractional radiofrequency on the quality of life of postmenopausal women” and Ayres Netto Award in the Best Scientific Paper category “Effects of Lepidium Meyenil Walp (Peruvian Maca) on the sexual function of postmenopausal women”, Centro de Estudos Ayres Netto – XXXV Journey of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Santa Casa de SP.
- Nelci Zanon Collange is the Chair of the Education Committee at the International Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN) for medical students and young doctors in Pediatric Neurosurgery, consisting of 2-hour discussions with more than 1,000 attendees from 5 continents, under the auspices of ISPN and WFNS (World Federation of Neurological Societies).
- Besides the online webinars, in-person courses were resumed in Lima, Peru, and Kolkata, India, where ISPN holds a presence by ISPN Education Chair Dr. Zanon.
- Zanon is on the Educational Committee of the Brazilian Neurosurgery Society (SBN – almost 3.000 members), moreover, she was the founder of the Women Commission at the beforementioned Society.
- About the Young Women Young Doctors, Our Future.
ABMM reported that young doctors have recently been accepted as regular members and that their leadership is planning initiatives to attract young people and develop social media. Medical students are our next target to include in our teamwork.
Brazil, São Paulo, October 9th, 2022
Nelci Zanon Collange
Latin American VP of MWIA