The Finnish Medical Women’s Association (FiMWA) celebrated its 75th anniversary on November 11th, 2022 in Helsinki. Nearly 50 members were present. After closely following the safety procedures of the pandemic years, a live get-together meeting was highly appreciated.
Association President, Dr. Paula Pihlaja welcomed the audience. The first speaker was Dr. Kati Myllymäki, CEO of the Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health. Her topic was ”Gender Equality in Health Care”. Professor Timo Strandberg ’s presentation was titled ”How to live a long and healthy life to the age of 100 years”.
Dr. Eeva Leppävuori was appointed as Honorary member of FiMWA as a formal recognition of her distinguished service in FiMWA leadership.
The Association will continue its activities in 2023 by organizing professional meetings and arranging cultural activities. Our most important partner in promoting the situation of women outside Finland is the Finnish-origin Women’s Bank. Finland attends regional zoom meetings initiated by VP Elizabeth Lorraine-Lichtenstein. These meetings strengthen our cooperation inside MWIA. We also look forward to the Global Coordination Meetings.

Fig. 1: Dr. Eeva Leppävuori addressing the audience