Fig 1. Drs Bev Johnson, Shelley Ross, Tuula Saarela, Clarissa Fabre and Eleanor Nwadinobi gather at the gala for the North American Regional Meeting of MWIA
FMWC members have just returned from the North American Regional Meeting of MWIA, hosted by the American Medical Women’s Association in Philadelphia. Thank you to AMWA for an excellent meeting, where members were able to meet face to face after such a long hiatus during Covid. FMWC was pleased to have our own Dr. Ojistoh Horn speak on How Canada and Indigenous Peoples are Working Toward Health Equity. Dr. Horn comes from a long line of women leaders and is a member of the board of FMWC. Dr. Vivien Brown was a panel member during the workshop on Women Leaders: One World One War on Covid-19. An advocacy workshop was held during the meeting with the view to develop a MWIA strategic plan for advocacy. Such topics as female genital mutilation, gender-based violence, sexual harassment and child/forced marriage were discussed as topics for our advocacy. Dr Bev Johnson and Dr Shelley Ross were speakers during the workshop. During the MWIA North American region business meeting, FMWC brought forth a motion that was passed unanimously asking for the Ethics and Resolutions Committee to develop a Code of Conduct, a Code of Ethics and a policy on bullying and harassment during this triennium, to be voted upon at the 2025 General Assembly.

Fig 2. Dr Vivien Brown honoured as recipient of Top 25 Women of Influence Awards
FMWC continues to make a name for itself in the area of HPV. Dr. Vivien Brown who leads the initiative has just been honoured as a recipient of the Top 25 Women of Influence Awards for her work on HPV. The Women Peace and Security Committee developed a Statement calling for a ceasefire on the war in the Ukraine, which has been distributed widely on social media.
Please mark your calendars for FMWC 100th anniversary celebration in Ottawa September 26-28, 2024 in Ottawa. It will be a meeting to remember! Our website is fmwc.ca.