I’d like to stress the important contribution offered by our associates to spread the knowledge of gender and sex medicine.
Italian sections of AIDM organized many conferences on different topics (Oncology, Reumatology, gender variant people, osteoporosis, digital technologies for women’s health, gut and skin microbes, eating intolerance, loco-regional anaesthesia, obesity in childhood and adulthood et al…often in partnership with Health Authority, College of Physicians and with other Women’s Associations (FIDAPA, Rotary, Lions Club, etc.).
To celebrate March 8th we were engaged in conferences relating to Gender Violence: fighting gender discrimination, how to recognise and prevent episodes of violence against health workers, how to communicate with high school students on issues related to eating disorders and how to recognise the signs that may precede and characterise phenomena of gender violence. Two associates from Rome took part in an MWIA webinar ‘Instruments to roll back VAWG.’
The Alessandria project ‘Prendiamoci di petto’ (prevention of breast cancer in women 30/40 years old) continues along with Sensual dance fit (for wellbeing).
10 AIDM member joined MWIA SIGs and are now working on their special interests.
Silvana Capasso, National Co-ordinator