As part of the International Day for the Elimination of Obstetric Fistula, with the financial support of the NGO Aid of the Norwegian Church Sahel
- We provided on May 23, 2023 a number of much-needed commodities, including hygiene/dignity kits, to women with obstetric fistula who may stay more than 18 months at the fistula center
- We organized a conference debate on obstetric fistula in Mali on May 30, 2023, with more than 250 participants to inform, raise awareness and advocate for bold actions, and
- On June 17, 2023 our Association also took advantage of the national weeks of celebration of International Environment Day, to formally commit to the fight against plastic pollution, which is now becoming an important focus for us.
Dr Tenin Sanogo
President of the Association of Women Doctors of Mali (RFM)

fig 1. Delivery of hygiene/dignity kits to women with obstetric fistula on May 23, 2023

fig 2. Conference debate on the elimination of obstetric fistula on May 30, 2023