July 1st: Global Women’s Peace Network, A/Prof Magdalena Simonis was invited as keynote speaker and presented on Leadership resilience and holding up the ladder for others, see https://youtu.be/kxbS1emkjiM
July 6th: AFMW announced the Purple Bush Medicine Leaves Bursary Recipients, 2023
Ms Natalie Gordon, a Ngunnawal woman, from rural NSW with multiple qualifications within and outside of her medicine studies
Ms Megan Shuttleworth, a Yugambeh/Torres Strait Islander, student AIDA representative, mentor and artist
Dr Julia- Rose Satre, a Yawaru (Broome, Western Australia) medical woman and aspiring Rural Generalist, now pursuing an internship in Far North Queensland
Dr Alicia Veasey, a Torres Strait Islander medical woman who is completing specialist FRANZCOG training with sub-specialty qualifications in Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology (IFEPAG).
Advancing Women in Healthcare Leadership (AWHL) community of Practice, kicked off with AFMW as a contributor.
August 4th: Women in Leadership Australia (WLA), AFMW President A/Prof M Simonis AM was a keynote speaker
Dr Desiree Yap AM immediate past VP WP Region MWIA accepted visiting Professor role at Thailand medical school .
September 4th: National Women’s Health Week commenced and A/Prof Simonis was kept busy. She was invited to conduct a hybrid Q+A session on Sexual and Reproductive well-being at the University of Melbourne. She and Dr Evelyn Konstantopoulos (Vic) attended an event where Assistant Minister for Health Ged Kearney spoke about medical misogyny and steps taken to address this nationally. The week ended with A/Prof Simonis giving a talk to a Greek network of women by webinar on endometriosis.
September: the ACT & Region gathered for their annual dinner and were treated to presentations from local Medical Women while enjoying a delicious meal and wonderful fellowship.
September 21st: AFMW Supports The Voice To Parliament
Circle of Kindness continues to be a place of safety for medical women to meet and talk about anything and everything. The next one will be hosted by Dr Kate Duncan AM on 12th October.
October 11th: A/Prof Simonis was invited by the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists to present on a panel on Domestic Violence: A Duty to Care
October 19th: A /Prof Simonis was invited to speak at upcoming 19th IUAES-WAU World Anthropology Congress 2023 on Marginalities, Uncertainties, and World Anthropologies, to be held at University of Delhi, Delhi, India from 14th to 20th October 2023
November 18th: A/Prof Simonis will present at the Philippines Medical Women’s meeting on Medical Women – mentoring, strengthening, leading.
November 18th: AFMW AGM
A/Prof Magdalena Simonis AM
President, AFMW

Fig 1. ACT & Region MWS

Fig 2. Dr. Kate Duncan AM

Fig 3. A/Prof Magdalena Simonis AM with Excellency The Honourable Professor Margaret Gardener AC