The women doctors from the Ecuador chapter of the Pan American Alliance of Physicians are also members of MWIA Latin America, representing Equador.
The current Executive is:
President: Dr. Gina Del Rosario Morales
Secretary : Dr. Julia Palacios Montoya
Dr. Mercedes Viteri Mora
On December 9, 2023 our dear partner and Past-President, Dr Julia Palacios was the object of great recognition for her brilliant professional career, by the Medical Federation of Ecuador and the College of Physicians of Guayas. The celebration ceremony, her Golden Anniversary in medical practice, was applauded by the Ecuadorian union, since she dedicated 50 years of her life to the service of the community. Dr. Julia Palacios is a worthy representative of Ecuadorian medical women, and fills all of us Alliance members with pride.
Dr Gina del Rosario, President
Dr Mercedes Viteri, National Co-ordinator

Fig 1. Dr. Julia Palacios receiving her Honorable Mention from the President of the Ecuadorian Medical Federation and the President of the Guayas College of Physicians