Report from Vice President for Western Pacific

Dr. Bong Ok Kim – MWIA Regional Vice President for Western Pacific
Seasons’ Greetings!
The Western Pacific Regional (WPR) Meeting was held on the zoom platform on December 9, 2023 at 3:00 PM Korean Time(GST+9).
Representatives from Australia (Magdalena Simonis, Deb. Colville, Marjorie Cross), Hong Kong (Cissy Yu), Japan (Yoshiko Maeda), Philippines (Vivina Chiu, Rosa Nancho, Villirica), Taiwan (Sherry Lai) and Korea (Kyung Ah Park, Hyun-Wook Baik, Soon Won Hong, Seol-A Chae) participated in this meeting.
The next WPR Conference will be held in Cebu, Philippines on July 11~13, 2024 with the theme of Empowering Women in Medicine and Leadership.
Three officers of the Philippines Medical Women’s Association participated in the 74th session of the WHO Regional Committee held in Manila, Philippines representing MWIA.
WPR members are asking MWIA EXCO and SG the following:
A new bank account where MWIA is registered should be opened even with the necessary cost (Cissy Yu).
An acknowledgement of the receipt of membership dues for three years of 51 members is requested from the Treasurer by Philippines Medical Women’s Association (Vivina Chiu).
Can the members receive quarterly financial reports or regular updates of finances and banking of MWIA? (Magdalena Simonis, Marjorie Cross)