The 52nd National Congress of the AIDM was held on 26-28 April 2024 in Parma with the theme ‘Healing the Heart and Preserving the Brain – from Gender Medicine to Integrated Systems Medicine’, focusing on the cardiovascular and neurological systems from a gender perspective. Crowned with great success and attended by more than 200 members, it was followed by a lively assembly, at which a number of amendments to the statutes were discussed and approved.

In the quarter under review, the numerous conferences organised by the AIDM sections scattered throughout the country analysed and discussed violence against health care workers, biointegrated medicine and complementary therapies, well-being and the environment, and preventive medicine. National Women’s Health Day (22 April) was a particular focus, and was celebrated with various events. The inter-regional conference in Central Italy (Viterbo) focused on women’s health during the menopausal period, while the regional conference in Piemonte (Biella) focused on women’s work.

Numerous sections organised meetings with their communities, making their professional skills available to the public in free meetings, with diagnostic checks, advice and information (Alessandria, Potenza, Enna, Viterbo, etc).

The VIPROM project ( ) is continuing and the AIDM has been entrusted by the ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità) with the prestigious task of drafting guidelines for endometriosis and reproductive health.

Fig 1. The crowded auditorium of the 52nd AIDM National Congress

Fig 1. The crowded auditorium of the 52nd AIDM National Congress

Fig 2. President Antonella Vezzani (centre) and MWIA National coordinator Silvana Capasso (left) with some members of AIDM at National Congress

Fig 2. President Antonella Vezzani (centre) and MWIA National coordinator Silvana Capasso (left) with some members of AIDM at National Congress