This report provides an overview of the activities and accomplishments of the Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria (MWAN) under the leadership of Prof. Rosemary Ogu, the National President, and her team from April to June 2024. Through the National Executive and thematic committees, MWAN has made significant strides in advancing women’s health, empowering healthcare professionals, and promoting community well-being. MWAN has paid capitation for over 1000 of its members to MWIA and we are in good financial standing. Our continued dedication and vision is undoubtedly contributing to the MWIA triennial theme of One Humanity: Health Solutions through our Partnerships.
Strategic Planning and Governance:
We hold regular board meetings to ensure effective governance and decision-making within the organization. The National Executive Council meeting was held on 24th April 2024 and the Executive meeting in April 2024, while the joint meeting with heads of strategic committees was held, May 30th 2024.
Advocacy and Policy Engagement:
We have engaged with the Nigeria Medical Association President, leadership of the Senate Committee on Health, wives of Governors forum and other key policy makers and stakeholders on advancing women’s health.
Capacity Building and Professional Development:
MWAN States and National committees organized training workshops and seminars to enhance the skills and competencies of MWAN members. We organized a National CME on Joining Forces to Combat HPV Vaccine Hesitancy and Reducing the Burden of Cervical Cancer in Nigeria.
Community Outreach and Health Promotion:
MWAN has been actively involved in raising awareness about critical health issues such as maternal mortality, child health, infectious diseases, and non-communicable diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, breast and prostate cancer. WHO and UN Commemorative Days are leveraged for health promotion and education. 12 MWAN state branches (Rivers, Edo, Lagos, Kaduna, Ebonyi, Anambra, Benue, Delta, Gombe etc) have carried out medical outreaches, screening and treating thousands of beneficiaries.
Collaboration and Partnership:
MWAN partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, and international organizations in this quarter was targeted at the Phase 2 roll out of HPV vaccine for prevention of cervical cancer. We have a specific partnership with the National Primary Healthcare Development Agency (NPHCDA), International Vaccine Access Centre (IVAC) / Direct Consulting Logistics (DCL), Pathfinder and the Nigeria Cancer Society (NCS) to carry out demand generation for HPV Vaccination across 21 states of the country. The success recorded with the Multi Age Cohort (MAC) Campaign showed MWAN’s impact especially as we collaborated with other healthcare associations and civil society groups to address common challenges and achieve shared goals. Over 7 million girls 9 to 14 years were vaccinated during the campaign
Research and Innovation:
MWAN wrote and submitted an expression of interest in providing technical support to USAID’s Moving Integrated, Quality Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health and Family Planning and Reproductive Health (MOMENTUM) Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project. We are currently at the Pre-Award Assessment phase
Specific Events
Outreach Committee, Maternal & Child health, Adolescent Health, Women’s Health, Dental & Oral Health as well as Gender Based Violence Committees have all had activities commemorating relevant world health days. Thousands of women and children have been impacted through medical outreaches, health education, service delivery and sundry engagements.
6th April: MWAN held a webinar on Empowering Women at the nexus of healthcare and Finance. Topics discussed included Investing in Women and the Status of Women in Nigeria
7th April: We celebrated World Health Day 2024 with the theme, My Health; My Right across the state branches on social media, radio programmes etc.
24th April: National Executive Council Meeting held virtually after a scientific webinar in commemoration of World Immunization week. The webinar which had over 500 health workers and stakeholders in attendance was an MWAN, Pathfinder International, Paediatrics Association, DCL/ IVAC and NPHCDA collaboration on Primary Prevention of Cervical Cancer using the HPV Vaccine roll out in Nigeria
May 1st: Dear Young Doctor, Let’s talk – An MWAN Webinar for young doctors and clinical students
May 5th – 12th: MWAN was represented at the Nigerian Medical Association Annual Delegates Meeting held in Calabar and participated in the constitutional review and election of a new executive.
May 8th – 10th: MWAN National President led delegates to the MWIA NEAR Conference in Livingstone Zambia. Received an award for most active National body, made scientific presentations, chaired sessions and generally had a good time.
May 17th: Society of Obstetric Anaesthetists of Nigeria (SOAN) in collaboration with Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria (MWAN) National Outreach Committee and Doctors In Leadership (DIL) had a webinar with a Panel discussion on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in Pregnancy /Drowning.
May 23rd: National CME on Joining Forces to Combat HPV Vaccine Hesitancy and Reducing the Burden of Cervical Cancer in Nigeria.
May 27th -31st: MWAN participated in various Menstrual Hygiene Day Activities, Children’s Day Activities and the Phase 2 National HPV Vaccination Roll Out. Over 2,000 girls were provided with menstrual hygiene kits and over 7 million girls were vaccinated across the phase 2 States in May 2024. MWAN thanks MWIA International President, Dr Eleanor Nwadinobi. & IVAC Dr Chizoba Wonodi for the partnership.
June 27th – 28th: MWAN hosted the maiden African Women in Medicine, Health and Wellness Conference at the NAF Conference Centre Abuja. The well attended conference brought together legislators, policy makers, professional bodies and other relevant stakeholders in discussions on the themes of partnership, innovative advancements in healthcare and wellness.
Upcoming activities
5TH July: Substance Abuse in Pregnancy: Signs, Symptoms, Effects and Remedy @102nd NDLEA weekly interaction on X.
6th July: Leadership training for members with the theme ‘Leadership Agility and Developing an Executive presence’.
9th – 13th July: Medical and surgical outreach program in Umunoha, Imo State – A collaboration with ProHealth
12th July: World Population Day National Symposium in Abuja. The Population Association of Nigeria, in collaboration with MWAN, Civil Society Organizations implementing family planning programming with support from the development Research and Projects Center (dRPC).
27th July: National Executive Council Meeting and Symposium sponsored by Pfizer ‘Specialties on advancements in Sickle Cell care’.
August 1st – 7th: World Breastfeeding week
26th September: World Contraception Day
Oct 1st – 5th International and National Days for the older person webinar by the Senior Members Forum
Dr Vetty Agala,
National Coordinator

Fig 1. NEC Meeting and Webinar on World Immunization Week

Fig 2. Advocacy visits to Senate Health Committee and National Council on Women Societies (NCWS)

Fig 3 Medical Outreach at Kubua FCT Prof Ogu, MWAN National President gracing the frontpage

Fig 4. MWAN members at the African Women in Health, Medicine and Wellness Conference activities

Fig 5. Up-coming National Executive Council Meeting & Upcoming National medical outreach