The executive and members of SLWMA have been trying to maintain the association despite the challenges.


  1. MEET AND GREET: The association held its annual Meet and Greet Program for newly graduated female doctors on Saturday 10th May 2024. The aim of this informal meeting was to inform the newly graduated female colleagues about the activities of SLMWA and to extend a hand of sisterhood to them.
  2. MENTORSHIP: The association commenced the 3rd cohort of mentorship of newly graduated female doctors. These young doctors were paired with senior female practitioners (mentors) based on the mentee’s preferred area of speciality and geographical location. The mentors are to serve as guide towards career pathways and also expose the mentees to medical practice.
  3. GENDER MENTORSHIP RETREAT: The Gender department of the Ministry of Health held a two-day sensitization retreat for 20 female medical doctors at The Place Resort, Tokeh, Freetown from 17th-19th May 2024. The aim was to inform and empower women leaders in medicine about gender peculiarities and mentorship.
  4. MEDIA TEAM: A decision was taken at one of our regular meetings to develop a media team. Six members had volunteered to serve in this capacity. The objective of the media team is to improve the visibility of SLMWA on all media.
  5. Monthly meetings are held regularly and the association continues to participate in MWIA activities.

Dr. Melvina Thompson

Fig 1. A cross section of SLMWA members at the retreat

Fig 1. A cross section of SLMWA members at the retreat

Fig 2. Meeting with newly qualified doctors

Fig 2. Meeting with newly qualified doctors