1. A Health Talk on STD awareness, STD screening (cervical swab for Chlamydia & Gonorrhea and HVS for Trichomonas and Candida by speculum examination) was held on 13 April 2024.
2. Our International Liaison Committee members, Dr Cissy YU (Founding President HKWDA) presented “Mentorship for Women in Medicine”, Dr. WONG Wing Yee Victoria (Ophthalmology) presented “Women’s leadership in Medicine”, and Dr. NGAI Kin Chun Connie (Board Director HKWDA) presented “Chinese paper-cutting” in cultural display in the Western Pacific Regional meeting of Medical Women’s International Association, which was held in Cebu, Philippines 11-13 July 2024.
3. Dr. HO Chung Ping, Specialist in Nephrology, was our guest speaker on 30 July 2024. The topic of the talk was “The City Against Diabetic Nephropathy 2024”.
4. Dr. WONG King Ying, Specialist in Clinical Oncology, was our guest speaker on 19 September 2024. The topic of the talk was “Elderly RSV Burden and Prevention with the Latest Adjuvanted Vaccine”.
5. In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, a dinner was held on 14 September 2024. It was a great success. HKWDA participated as a supporting organization.
6. Our Youth Committee organized two events.
(i) Opening Event of “The Doctor’s Diary – Sharing the Journey with Aspiring Medics” which was held on 7 Sep 2024. Dr Clara Wu (President HKWDA), Dr Wendy Cheng (Board Director HKWDA), Dr Christine Chung (Board Director HKWDA), Dr Jeanette Ting (Plastic surgery), Dr Claudia Mok (Paeds) and Prof. Jimmy Lai (Med) were invited to have a casual chat with our students over light refreshments. The event was well received with 40 students attending.
(ii) Microsurgical Skills Workshop as a part of “The Doctor’s Diary – Sharing the Journey with Aspiring Medics” was held on 28 September 2024. More than 30 medical students attended. We hope to provide more surgical exposure to interested medical students.