Conferences were organised in different parts of Italy, some on very innovative topics such as the protection of personal data (Asti-Turin), Zeta generation, Neuroplasticity and Digitization and abnormalities in neural development (Ferrara), humanization of care and creative experiences of hospitalized children (Bologna). Modena focused on bone health.
On Sept. 13th in Bari there was a discussion, sponsored by AIDM, on ‘The Health Ecosystem today: a human-centrical and digital healthcare’ in which representatives of numerous associations met with FNOMCeO (The National Federation of Boards of Surgeons and Dentists) President Filippo Anelli to discuss the future directions of health care.
The crisis of the national health care system (NHS) is increasingly perceived in Italy. Some areas of hospital medical work are in severe distress, particularly emergency rooms, where workers often face user violence due to long waits or inauspicious outcomes of treatment. As a result, medical personnel are trying to move away from emergency rooms, where work is being done with difficulty and by an increasingly shrinking workforce. The violence wrought on health care personnel has prompted the government to make legislative changes, increase the penalties imposed on the perpetrators, and spread the use of cameras and security guards. At the root of the problem is a shortage of economic resources and inadequate distribution of them, at least in some areas of the country. The great self-sacrifice of the health care workforce will enable the sustainability of the system for a short time yet, but there is no doubt that the Italian NHS needs to be refinanced and reorganized as soon as possible. In AIDM, discussions on these critical issues have been numerous in recent months, especially on occasions of assaults on female health care workers, which once again highlighted the need to educate the population against violence. Unfortunately, the climate of war impacts people’s lives, with increasing levels of aggression among people.
Dr Silvana Capasso
National Co-ordinator