Report from Vice President for Northern Europe

Dr. Elizabeth Lichtenstein MWIA Regional Vice President for Northern Europe
Regional meeting in person May 2025!
We have kindly been offered the opportunity to hold our next Northern Europe regional meeting together with the UK Medical Women’s Federation (MWF) annual meeting in Cambridge. MWF will have their meeting on Friday 16th of May which is preceded by a dinner in a Cambridge College on 15th May.
The regional meeting will be held between 10.15 and 12.30 on Saturday morning May 17th. We shall discuss:
1. The woman-doctor experience and how work environment affects us
2. DV or VAWG, how are we handling this in our various countries
Both topics will start with presentations from different countries and be followed by an open discussion. The open meeting will be preceded in the morning by a business meeting at 9am for the Presidents, National Coordinators and MWIA members of Northern Europe. We hope to see all Nations in Northern Europe represented. We also hope that you will attend the MWF meeting which is held on the day before. Of course – as always – people from other regions are very welcome to the meeting.
Looking forward to meeting you all in Cambridge next year!
Elizabeth Lichtenstein VP Northern Europe