On November 30 in Rome, the elective assembly of the AIDM met for the renewal of national officers. The new President is Concetta (Titti) Laurentaci. Antonella Vezzani will be the Past President. Dr Laurentaci is also the MWIA Southern Europe Vice President and she will lead AIDM for the next three years.

The National Institute of Health in Italy involved AIDM in drafting the guidelines on reproductive health and on endometriosis. The work, which involves several scientific Societies, will end in June 2025 and will be a reference tool for the national health care workforce.

An important advance for gender medicine was the document drafted by the National Bioethics Committee in response to the question posed by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of University and Research on the ‘National Training Plan for Gender Medicine’. The document published on Dec. 13th confirms the need to rethink and repurpose the different medical specialties from the perspective of Gender Medicine, not including an additional specialty.

The AIDM marked the fourth quarter of 2024 with numerous educational events that were aimed at the population partly with the goal of disseminating gender medicine but also educating them to respect everyone, but especially women and frail people.

In October, VIPROM training courses on domestic violence began in Parma for doctors, nurses, midwives and medical students. The courses will be disseminated through AIDM throughout the country from January 2025.

The topic of gender-based violence was the focus of discussion in November (AIDM sections in Naples, Agrigento, and others). Enna and Ferrara focused on violence and discrimination in sports. Other sections chose to discuss longevity (Campania Regional Congress in Caserta and Crema section) or oncological pathways and adolescents. Humanization of care (Bologna), innovative approaches to medicine (Potenza), autism (Reggio Emilia), and gender neurology (Regional Congress of Sicily in Messina) were the other topics discussed. The variety of training proposals underscores the multidisciplinary nature of our Association and its importance nationwide in training health professionals.

Fig 1. AIDM Past President Dr Antonella Vezzani (right) and AIDM National President Concetta Laurentaci (left)


From the new AIDM president

Dear Colleagues,

I am very proud to be able to write to you as the newly elected National President of the Italian Association of Women Physicians. I take the baton from Dr. Antonella Vezzani, who has led the society with great dedication and competence for 6 years, and I will strive to represent Italian Women Physicians to the best of my ability. In recent years, the AIDM has achieved important goals such as being part of the Working Group, together with other national scientific societies. to draw up the National Guidelines on Endometriosis and Reproductive Health.

On 6 December, I had the pleasure of participating as AIDM President in the Campania Regional Congress, which was held in Caserta and addressed the topic of Longevity from a gender-specific perspective. Important topics such as equity of access to care, the ethical meaning of the word ‘care’, and issues concerning the different ways in which males and females fall ill were addressed during the conference.

Best greetings from Italy.

Dr. Concetta Laurentaci

Fig 2. Antonella Vezzani, AIDM past-National President and Concetta Laurentaci, AIDM National President (3rd and 4rth from left) with a group of speaker of Campania Regional Congress in Caserta on 6 December 2024


Fig 3. From left: Antonella Vezzani (past-AIDM National President), Paola Russo (President of Napoli RF section), Titti Laurentaci (AIDM National President), Claudia Pricoco (past- VP of Southern Italy), Anna Tarabuso (President of Caserta section)