
Activities undertaken by AFMW:

  1. Sponsorship meetings
  2. Ukraine state of emergency: letters to Australian Government, MWIA President & SG, MWIA WP
  3. AFMW & Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA)
    (a) form a gender health consortium of women leaders
    (b) invited DEA to present at our UN CSW Parallel session
    (c) event planning for 2022 – reaching the broader female community: CALD, refugees, Indigenous
  4. Women in Digital Health (WiDH) Inaugural Mentoring and Leadership program launch, 16th Feb 2022
  5. IWD RACGP video #breakthebias
  6. MJA Insight Gender Equity OPED International Women’s Day: why we still need these conversations | InSight:
  7. 20th March UN CSW66 AFMW parallel session Australian Women Doctors: Climate Change and Gender Equity Advocates and Activists (Fig. 1).
  8. MWNSW UN CSW66 Economic empowerment begins with health – medical diagnosis in Women

Fig. 1: Australian Women Doctors: Climate Change and Gender Advocates and Activists

Fig. 1: Australian Women Doctors: Climate Change and Gender Advocates and Activists