Regional and executive meetings

Executives continue to engage to plan and execute activities as well as Continuous Professional Development for members.

Cervical Cancer. MWAG year started with earnest preparations for cervical cancer awareness month. In January 2023, ladies participated in a vibrant Cervical cancer campaign in partnership with Lexta Ghana Ltd, which involved education on cervical cancer and its prevention.  Awareness and education took place on various TV and radio stations as well as in churches. The national campaign climaxed with a launch, and cervical screening on the 25th of January, 2023 at the Ga West Municipal Hospital Amasaman, in conjunction with the district health Directorate of the Ghana Health Service. Participants were drawn from the markets, women’s groups, churches, schools, and hospital attendants within the district. The occasion was attended by a representative of the Member of Parliament for the constituency, a representative of the regional health directorate, the Queen mothers of the district and district director of health services. In all, 62 women were screened at the launch.

MWAG Recruitment Drive. On January 27th 2023, Executives of the Greater Accra Region visited and spent time with medical students, sensitising them about MWAG/ MWIA and yMWIA activities. It was a vibrant socialisation and familiarisation visit.

International Women’s Day. On March 8th, members across the country donned the MWAG cloth at their various workplaces.  Members also participated in the International Women’s Day Virtual Symposium organized by national executives on the topic “Equity in the Health Sector”.

The symposium tackled the subject with sessions on:

  • Gender Equity in the Workplace
  • Gender Equity in Education/ Academia
  • Gender Equity in Health Workforce Distribution & Conditions of Service
  • Gender Equity in Workplace Management (Regional and Facility Levels)

The symposium looked at how lady doctors can enjoy equity in their careers in male dominated specialties, health system management and in research and academia. This was well attended by over three hundred (300) doctors (both ladies and gentlemen) including Dr Claribel Abam.

Dr Richardar N A Taylor Dawson, National Coordinator MWAG