• 27th July 2023 – President AMWI Dr Mandakini Megh organized an academic program on “Pre-term Labour”.

  • 28th July 2023 – Dr Mandakini Megh chaired the SIG Webinar on Elimination of Cancers in Women – Global Experience

  • 29th July 2023 – Dr Megh delivered Keynote addresses on Preterm Labour &

Women’s health in Chandigarh.

  • 30th July 2023 – Dr Megh delivered Keynote addresses on Violence against Women in Chennai.

  • Dr Mandakini Megh has regularly attended all meetings of the MWIA VAWG Special Interest Group and has updated all young AMWI members.

Nagpur Branch

  • 3rd Aug 2023 – AMWN organised an academic and a cultural program named “Shrawan Sari”. Various Indian festivals in the month of August were celebrated and AMWN members participated in large numbers. The festival was celebrated with pomp and gaiety. Dr Ujwala Deshmukh beautifully portrayed the scenery of a village and the life-style of Village people. AMWN President, Dr Laxmi Srikhande delivered a talk on “Probiotics in Women’s Health”.

  • 6th September 2023- AMWN organised an academic and cultural program. Dr Arti Dhhaskar delivered a talk on “Bone health and Women”.

Mumbai Branch

  • 8th July 2023 – Scientific Program – in association with MMS, MOGS

Genito Urinary Syndrome of Menopause

Food Supplements in Menopause

Menopause Chronicles

  • 13th July 2023 – CME

Role of Calcium, Vits D3, B6, B9 & B12 in Hyperhomocystenemia

Bone Health in Menopause

Panel on Case Scenarios in Menopause

  • 8th August 2023 – FOGSI – MOGS WBW 2023: MUMBAI BREASTCON

Collaboration with Breast Committee FOGSI, MBPC

To spread awareness about Breastfeeding, Breast Cancer and Core Biopsy.

Kolkata Branch

  • 22nd July 2023 – 42nd Dr. Prof. Anjali Chatterjee Memorial Oration was held.  

Orator – Dr. Mahua Bhattacharya (MD (Gyne. & Obst.) Senior

consultant Fortis Hospital Anandapur)  

Subject – Endometrial Cancer – How to Diagnose and Treat

  • Prof. Anjali Chatterjee Memorial Award was conferred on Dr Pittu Bose for Voluntary Medical Services

  • Prof. Anjali Chatterjee Memorial Award was conferred on Dr. Sarmistha Chatterjee, a Women’s Medical Research worker in Biochemistry.