On April 4th 2024, the WIML Private Practice Forum held its first meeting. As a sub-group of WIML, the forum consists of female medical and dental practitioners working in private sector health facilities. Discussions at the meeting focused on medical aid insurances, practitioners’ welfare, practice management systems, group practices and regulations, including working with suppliers. The group has a WhatsApp chat currently consisting of 21 members.
The WIML President and Treasurer travelled to Livingstone, Zambia to participate in the tenth MWIA Near East and Africa Region (NEAR) Congress, held 8th to 10th May 2024. The event was a momentous occasion for establishing new friendships and consolidating existing networks. WIML received an award in recognition of its vibrancy as the newest member of the Region.
In recognition of World Menstrual Hygiene Day on May 28th 2024, the WIML President Dr. Lineo Letlala launched a campaign in honour of the #PeriodFriendly World theme. Through the campaign, subscribed WIML members will each sponsor a girl by purchasing their sanitary napkins for one year. Additionally, girls will receive education about menstruation from their sponsor.
On 20th June, WIML held its first general meeting of 2024. Thirty-one participants attended the virtual meeting. Attendees received an update on the existing WIML Executive Committee and WIML mandate. The meeting agenda incorporated the planned September 2024 WIML week, and WIML veterans and young doctors’ forums including WIML’s expansion to include more dentists and expatriates.
WIML received acknowledgement from the MWIA Treasurer for payment of its 2024-2025 subscription.
Finally, WIML is contributing to the growth of MWIA by supporting the Women’s Medical Association based in Chad in the process of obtaining their MWIA membership.