Representative: Prof Dr Dr Bettina Pfleiderer
MWIA is a European-wide board member of the European´s women´s lobby (EWL) and MWIA´s past president Prof. Bettina Pfleiderer is MWIA´s representative. EWL has members in all 27 EU Member States and three of the candidate countries. The EWL campaigns for promotion of women’s rights and equality between women and men in the European Union.
EWL has done a lot of work on the impact of the pandemic on women in many countries (Figure 1). Please see the report of activities here:
Bettina Pfleiderer participated at the online EWL Board meeting at the weekend of 27-28 February 2021 (Figure 2). At this meeting, trends and needs of the women’s movement were discussed, plans for the year ahead were made and EWL’s vision on ways to work towards equality between women and men in the coming years were shared. More information can be found here:
Last, but not least, EWL also wrote a letter directed to the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU, Josep Borrell, and the Portuguese Foreign Minister, condemning the President of Turkey’s Decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention. The letter is shared on EWL´s webpage:
Figure 1. EWL´s poster on COVID-19.
Figure 2. Screenshot from the online EWL board meeting.