Medical Women Association of Ghana report by Dr Marion Okoh-Owusu, National President

Medical Women association of Ghana (MWAG) started the year 2021 with active involvement of colleagues in the on-going fight against COVID-19. The association had initiated a wearing of protective face masks in Ghana in March 2020.

Since January 2021, MWAG has rolled out the campaign against Cervical Cancer; online training in child health care, domestic violence and nutrition issues by the Ashanti Regional branch of MWAG; monthly regional meetings to socialize via online meetings; quarterly national executive board meetings.

MWAG participated in the mentoring workshop organized by MWIA.

In March 2021, the association was represented by 5 delegates at the Near East and Africa Regional Conference in Abuja, Nigeria. At this prestigious conference the National President received on behalf of Prof Afua Hesse (former MWIA President)


One of the topmost priorities for the 2019 to 2021 national executive board was to expand MWAG branches from three (Greater Accra, Ashanti, Western) in 2018 to nationwide coverage of 17 branches in 2020. A strategy was devised to combine regions with fewer numbers of female doctors to be led by a committed group Regional chairperson. This was carried out and regions were supported with national funds to start up campaigns to encourage participation. As at December 2020, all lady doctors in Ghana had regional branches to identify with and plan activities to promote communication Health education and support colleagues.


The upcoming events for 2021

  1. Launch of National Women Physicians Day in Honour of Dr Susan de Graft-Johnson (nee Ofori-Atta), the first Ghanaian female physician. This event is scheduled to take place via online transmission in August week 1. The final date will be communicated to all members.
  2. Maiden Celebration of National Women Physician’s Day on December 8th 2021. The activity will be held at Kyebi in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The day will start with a free medical outreach program followed by a formal session of speeches and panel discussions on child health, women’s health and leadership issues as well as the history of MWAG through 55 years journey of the association. The day will be crowned with a presentation to the children’s ward of Kyebi Government hospital in honour of Dr Susan de Graft-Johnson.
  3. Triennial National General Meeting and Handing over ceremony scheduled for December week 3. The final day and date will be communicated to members. During the AGM, members will deliberate on preparations for the 2022 world congress at Taiwan and hold elections of new national executive board for 2022 to 2024 triennium.