Representative: Prof Dr Dr Bettina Pfleiderer

MWIA representative to the standing committee to European physicians (CPME) is MWIA Past President Prof. Dr. Dr. Bettina Pfleiderer.

CPME July 2021 newsletter-article on violence against healthcare professionals.

CPME July 2021 newsletter-article on violence against healthcare professionals.

CPME is planning to have its next General Assembly and Board Meeting in Oslo, Norway on November 26-27, 2021. Everyone is holding their breath to see if this can become a reality, as it depends on how well Europe tackles the fourth COVID-19 wave in late fall. There will be also new elections to the Executive committee.

Despite summer time, when usually everything is going a bit slower, CPME had been quite active. I want to draw your attention here to CPME´s feedback on Artificial intelligence (AI), as this is something we need to know more about physicians in the future: Feedback on Commission Proposal for a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence”

Last but not least, I would like to point out the latest CPME newsletter of July 2021, which contains highly interesting guest articles on the COVID situation e.g. in Spain or the USA, on violence against health professionals and on fictions and myths around COVID-19 (Figure 1)

The newsletter is definitely worth a read:

All previous CPME newsletters can be found under this link: