South Korea
1. KMWA donation activity:
On Friday, January 14, 2022, president of KMWA Yoon Suk-wan, secretary affair of KMWA Rim Seon-Yeong, and Medical Service Committee Chairperson Oh Hye-suk attended the service fund delivery ceremony at homeless tenement (Matthew Church/Gwangya Church) and delivered the volunteer funds (Fig. 1)
On Friday, February 18, 2022, the KMWA donated 200 kg of rice, 500,000 won in cash, 100 pairs of socks, and 300 masks to the KMWA neighbor Yonggang-dong Community Center in Mapo-gu, Seoul. (Attendance: Yoon Suk-wan President, Rim Seon-yeong Secretary General, Kim Seong-hee Public Affairs Director of KMWA)
* Socks, Mask: Cooperated by Kim Seong-hee, Public Affairs Director of KMWA.
2. Kim Bong-ok gave a lecture with the title “Why MWIA & Western pacific Region” in WPR mini symposium. On Saturday, February 26, at 1:30 pm (Korean time), MWIA Western Pacific region mini symposium was held under the theme of “learning from leaders.”
Kim Bong-ok, who was appointed as the next Western Pacific region president, gave a lecture with the title “Why MWIA & Western pacific Region” in this symposium. Also at the mini symposium, the president of KMWA Suk-wan Yoon’s video to talk about the motives and passions of leader of KMWA was played (Fig. 2)