Report from Medical Women Switzerland
In 1922, the Swiss Association of Women Physicians was founded, today called medical women switzerland (mws). Thus, this year in September, we celebrated the 100th anniversary with a scientific conference followed by a festive social event.
The conference was divided into four presentations: historical review of the past 100 years with regard to women and especially female physicians, who could complete the specialist training in part-time and increasingly rise to management positions, although not yet to the desired extent;
Also there was a report on gender medicine, that it is urgently necessary to assess women separately physiologically, pathophysiologically, pharmacologically and therapeutically; furthermore, we were informed about an in-service training for female assistants regarding career advancement; finally, we were oriented about professional political women’s issues with the special note and call that women should take a more active interest in this respect.
In addition, we organize about 4 times a year so-called networking events on site or hybrid about medical, political, social and economic topics, which are very popular.
Dr. Adelheid Schneider-Gilg