Report from Vice President for Southern Europe

Dr. Concetta Laurentaci

Dr. Concetta Laurentaci MWIA Regional Vice President for Southern Europe

Dear MWIA Colleagues,

As I have not received any update from the Belgian Association or from individual members in Southern Europe, I am transmitting a brief report on the activities carried out by the Italian Medical Women’s Association.

The last quarter of 2022 was marked by the many activities carried out by several provincial sections on the occasion of November 25, the day for combating violence against women. Numerous training and awareness-raising activities were implemented between 20 and 30 of November in several Italian cities (Parma, Vicenza, Pesaro, Rome, Enna, Lamezia and many others).

In addition, our Colleague, Dr. Irene Calesini, collaborated in the writing of the book “VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: History of a denied identity.” This book is an agile knowledge and prevention tool aimed at young people, teachers, doctors and all those who want to understand more about the phenomenon that is “the most widespread violation of human rights” (UN). Violence is not a normal or original human characteristic, but the outcome of a cultural and historical bearing that acts on the individuality of those who perpetrate violence. The perpetrator is often the bearer of a personal, psychic, often latent condition of not complete sanity. The book discusses various forms of violence (physical, psychological, sexual, economic, through the web, stalking) and highlights the psychodynamic aspects of violence in the man-woman relationship, the role of culture, prevention, and signs to recognize and structures to turn to.

In conclusion, I would like to mention that we have scheduled the AIDM National Congress to be held on April 21, 2023 in Catania, Italy. The webinar for the Southern European area is entitled “Post-pandemic era: what directions for public health?”. You will be able to view the program on the MWIA website and we hope you will participate in large numbers!

Best regards to all and I wish you a marvellous 2023 with MWIA!

Titti Laurentaci – VP Southern Europe of MWIA