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The main activities are outlined below:
- Bimonthly virtual business meetings led by Dr Elizabeth R. G. Alexandre, current ABMM National President, Dr Ana Regina C. Vlainich ABMM Sao Paulo sectional region current president and Dr Chang Yen-Li Chain ABMM Paraná sectional region current president.
- At São Paulo Medical Association (APM) at the office in the downtown building, the Brazilian Medical Women’s Association Annual Award named “Dr Terezinha Verrastro de Almeida” (in memory of an eminent hematologist), was given this year to three leaders on November 23, 2023:
- Dr Nelci Zanon Collange for international leadership in pediatric neurosurgery, a lifetime involvement with medical associations, and several papers and book chapters on different topics related to children with neurosurgical pathologies and women in neurosurgery.
- Dr Walkiria Samuel Avila for having developed the biggest database related to congenital cardiological anomalies in pregnant women, with more than 5.000 recorded patients.
- Dr Marilene Rezende Mello, a specially honored leader for being our inspiration and one of the more active workers in the São Paulo Law on Gender Medicine, now mandatory in all medical schools in Sao Paulo State, Brazil.
- Dr Irene Abramovich, the current general secretary of the São Paulo Council of Medicine (CREMESP 2023-2028), is the second women president at the CREMESP (2028-2023). The first medical congress was organized under her presidency. Her representative work is in defence of the medical activities in SP.
- Dr. Natasha Slhessarenko, from ABMM is a member of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) – a 3-year term. She is helping to build connections between CFM and ABMM.
- Dr Nelci Zanon Collange finished two years as Education Committee Chair at the International Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN) and is now assistant secretary of the same organization. In 2023, she has coordinated the monthly online virtual webinar for medical students and young doctors under the auspices of ISPN and WFNS (World Federation of Neurological Societies) reaching more than 6.000 visualizations (available for free on )
The First Women’s Cardiology Congress, Brazilian Society of Cardiology, was held in São Paulo, May 19-20, 2023 ( The ABMM President Dr Elisabeth Regina Giunco Alexandre, member of the scientific committee was one of the invited speakers and past president of the Women’s Cardiology department.