Report from Vice President for Latin America

Dr. Nelci Zanon Collange MWIA Regional Vice President for Latin America
This report is based on the Brazilian Medical Women’s Association (ABMM) and Pan American Medical Women Alliance (PANMWA). Dr Elisabeth Alexandre, from São Paulo, is the current president of ABMM, and Dr Veronica Clara Rodriguez Torres from Puebla, Mexico, is the current PANMWA president.
ABMM (Brazilian Medical Women’s Association)
The website of ABMM is The main activities are described below:
- ABMM has bimonthly, virtual business meetings led by Dr Elizabeth R. G. Alexandre, current ABMM National President, Dr Ana Regina C. Vlainich ABMM Sao Paulo sectional region current president and Dr Chang Yen-Li Chain ABMM Paraná sectional region current president.
- A talk ‘Live From Phenotype to Diagnosis’ was given on March 7, 2023 at the Brazilian Society of Cardiology, Women’s Department by Elisabeth Alexandre. She was president of this department from 2016-2017.
- A special celebration was held on International Women’s Day at the Incor Hospital on March 8, 2023. Special tributes were paid to women physicians and leaders – Dr. Elizabeth Alexandre, President of ABMM, Dr. Maria de Fátima C. Pinto, Treasurer of ABMM, Prof. Dr Walkiria Avila and Prof. Dr Elaine F. Costa. Fig 1
- The Director of IAPO – Interamerican Association of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Tania Sih received the Dr. Steve Gray Award, delivered by the Society for Ear Nose and Throat Advancement in Children SENTAC). This honor is considered one of the most important in the world. Watch the full video here:…/. She cited Brazilian poet Cora Coralina who wrote her first book at age 75. ‘Happy is he who teaches what he learns and learns what he teaches’.
- At São Paulo Medical Association (APM) at the office at the downtown building, on March 7, 2023, the new Director of the Medical Academy of São Paulo (Academia de Medicina de São Paulo – AMSP) is President Dr Helio Begliomini 2023-2024. The ABMM participated actively: Second treasurer: Dr. Marilene Rezende Melo and Scientific Committee, Dr Linamara Rizzo Battistella and Dr Sonia Maria Rolim Rosa Lima. (
- Irene Abramovich, the current president of the São Paulo Council of Medicine (CREMESP 2021-23) is the second woman president of the CREMESP. On her representative work, several public activities have been on social media. One of these events was related to medical relations at work, with the commitment in the quality of negotiations for better remuneration of the medical class in SP. One of these events was related to medical relations at work, with the commitment in the quality of negotiations for better remuneration of the medical class in SP.
- Natasha Slhessarenko from ABMM is a member of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), a 3-year term. The CFM was founded in 1951 for a perceived need: to supervise and standardize medical practice in Brazil. Headquartered in Brasilia, it seeks to exercise its trade in a transparent, ethical and professional manner in the control of medical practice in Brazil.
- Dr Nelci Zanon Collange Chair of the Education Committee at the International Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN) created and coordinates a monthly virtual webinar for medical students and young doctors in Pediatric Neurosurgery under the auspices of ISPN and WFNS (World Federation of Neurological Societies). On the 9th edition, more than 1000 attendees and cross 4,000 visualizations available, for free, on the website:
PANMWA (Pan American Medical Women’s Alliance)
The Latin American VP of MWIA held an online meeting for the region, by zoom on Sunday April 2. The country representatives were:
- Veronica Clara Rodriguez Torres, Mexico (Puebla)
- Dr Gina Martha Del Rosario Morales, Equador (Guayaquil)
- Dr Elisabeth Alexandre, Brazil
- Dr Nise Yamaguchi, Brazil
- Dr Marilene Melo, Brazil
- Maria Eugênia Correa, Medical Student, Brazil
Matters discussed:
- Confirmation of e-mails and mobiles
- Update of WhatsApp group LA MWIA
- Planning the next event and trying to have more countries coming in, is the preliminary proposal.
- The minutes will be shared with all LA group
The President-elect of PANMWA, Dr Veronica Clara Rodriguez Torres is looking for MWIA to support a hybrid meeting in Puebla, Mexico. After some conversation, for logistic reasons and for more participation of the Latin American Countries, it was decided to hold the hybrid meeting in Puebla, Mexico in August 2023, second semester.
As a leader of this traditional Pan American Medical Women Alliance, Veronica has said that more partners will be necessary to have a viable hybrid meeting.
Nelci Zanon Collange

Fig 1. A special event at the APM (São Paulo Association of Medicine), celebration of the new Directory of the Academy of Medicine of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr Helio Begliomini is the New President 2023-2024. In the picture, all the women academics members are associated to ABMM (Brazilian Association of Women in Medicine – Associação Brasileira das Mulheres Médicas): Dr Nelci Zanon, Dr Marilene Melo, Dr Sonia Rolim, Dr Eloisa Bonfá, Dr Linamara Rizzo Battistella, Dra Angela Maggio da Fonseca

Fig 2. March 8, 2023. Women day celebration at Incor Hospital. Dr Elizabeth Alexandre, ABMM president, Dr Maria de Fátima C. Pinto, first Treasure ABMM, Prof. Dr Walkiria Avila and Prof. Dr Elaine F. Costa.