Report from Vice President for Western Pacific

Dr. Bong Ok Kim – MWIA Regional Vice President for Western Pacific
- WESPAC Regional Meeting was held virtually on June 21, 2023 with participation of the members representing National Associations of Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Philippines and Taiwan.
- WESPAC Region of MWIA will have regular virtual business meetings quarterly in accordance with the EXCO meetings of MWIA
- The next Regional Conference of WESPAC will be held in Cebu, Philippines from July 18~20, 2024 in a hybrid format organized by the Philippines Medical Women’s Association.
- Korean Medical Women’s Association (KMWA) has raised a special fund from its members to support young girls who are victims from the earthquake in Türkiye in February 2023. The turn-out of this fund-raising was larger than the initial expectations and reached 16,000 USD from 96 members and 7 women doctor groups. KMWA proposed MWIA to send 10,000 USD to Turkey under the name of MWIA and to keep 5,000 USD for endowment of an MWIA emergency fund. The remaining 1,000 USD is allocated for the travel of the MWIA Secretary General Dr. Mariam Jashi to deliver the donation to Turkey.
- KMWA had its 67th Annual General Assembly on April 15, 2023.