Dr. Darunee Buddhari – MWIA Regional Vice President for Central Asia  

Greetings from Central Asia Region!

We are facing the rainy humid season, many disasters from Typhoon, Earthquake and Flooding in the area. Please send our best wishes to other regions and globally to pass this situation.

MWIA (SIG) with AMWI led by Dr. Usha Saraiya, Chairperson of the Elimination of Cancers SIG successfully hosted a webinar entitled ‘Elimination of Cancers in Women: Global Experience on Friday 28 July 2023 with 400 delegates registered for the event. A very special thanks to the 9 speakers for their lucid presentations.

Another exciting announcement is the 10th Central Asia Regional Congress 2024 hosted by the Thai Medical Women’s Association (TMWA) and Association of Medical Women in India (AMWI). It will be held 22-24 August 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. Please mark the date and we will enjoy our time together.

Finally, currently we have the pandemic of Influenza, Respiratory syncytial virus and other respiratory pathogens in the region, with even the SARs-CoV-2 increasing as well… Please stay safe and healthy!

The next chapter will be even more delightful and exciting for Central Asia. We may have a new association registered. More to follow.

With my best, Darunee