My name is Renate Böhm, I am an occupational physician and currently serving as Chair of Senior MWIA. I am happy to step in as National Coordinator for the German Medical Women´s Association till the next election, because my inspiring predecessor, Eva Hennel, regretfully has resigned due to her professional duties.
In October 2024 the German Medical Women´s Association will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary with a ceremony in Berlin followed by a big party. Currently we are doing a lot of research about the history of our association, especially in regard to its affiliation to MWIA, which until now has not been properly explored. Soon after the second World War German women doctors contacted colleagues in USA, Netherlands and other countries, received generous help, e.g. care-parcels, and finally were reintegrated in MWIA. Lifelong friendships have been developed.
We would like to thank Professor Cisca Griffioen and the Dutch Society of Women Doctors for providing amazing documents about the reaffiliation of the German Medical Women to MWIA after World War Two. Our research about these times is still in progress. If you or your national organisation happen to have documents about the contact of German doctors with MWIA in the years between 1933 and 1950 and feel able to share them, please contact Dr. Renate Böhm
Because of our history it is of enormous importance to the German Medical Women´s Organisation to be part of the National Council of German Women´s Organisations in the fight against right-wing radicalism in Germany and Europe. In our fight for women´s rights, we are also part of the German Alliance against Sexism, supported by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.
Another important topic for our national association is advancing careers of women doctors. A national survey has revealed excessive restrictions for medical women to rise to top level postions. The German Medical Women´s Association has therefore launched a programme called “Top Sharing for Medical Women” to encourage women on their way to top positions.