The WIML Executive Committee held its first virtual meeting of 2024 on 18th January. At that meeting, the President presented an updated WIML workplan outlining priority areas of work for 2024. Priorities incorporate Executive Committee Activities, a Career Mentorship Programme, Career Satisfaction Programme, Continuing Professional Development, Networking Programme, Project and Research Activities, and Regional and Community Projects. The overall objective is to align areas of work with the 2022-25 MWIA Strategic Plan Framework in preparation for contributing to the 2025 MWIA Congress.

WIML is aligning activities to components of the 2022-25 MWIA Strategic Plan Framework that focus on resource mobilization and training. The major planned 2024 event is a dedicated WIML day that will feature community engagement undertakings. On 3rd February 2024, WIML participated in the MWIA NEAR virtual briefing meeting on the detailed programme for the upcoming May 2024 congress. The meeting further addressed increasing sensitization for the occasion. Members of the WIML Executive Committee will attend the event in Livingstone, Zambia.

WIML held its first 2024 in-person Executive Committee meeting on 29th March. The full-day meeting began with a morning three-hour wellness component followed by a business lunch. At the business lunch, members provided progress reports and briefed each other on their planned approaches for their respective 2024 portfolio workplans.

Fig 1. WIML EXCO members on 29th March 2024