The 100th anniversary celebration in Ottawa in September, entitled Catalysts for Change: 100 Years of Medical Women in Canada, was truly a catalyst to develop our strategic plan to increase our influence and impact.
Modernizing our organization and wanting people to feel that they belonged to FMWC, we changed the definition of those eligible for membership to include all people who identify as women+, including but not restricted to cisgender women, transgender women, non-binary members, Two-Spirit and feminine-identifying people.
FMWC continues to have great success in their work with HPV and now RSV, and have membership in Immunize Canada. We also belong to AMWA’s Reproductive Health Coalition. FMWC will be present again at CSW in New York in March and will host a virtual parallel event that will be listed through NGOCSW channels. The title is ‘Gender-based violence and reproductive rights in the current geopolitical climate’ to be held on
Tuesday, March 18th 2025 at 6:30pm Eastern time in Canada
Please mark your calendars for FMWC’s 2025 annual meeting and scientific session that will be held at the Omni King Edward Hotel in Toronto September 27 – 28. The title is Empowering Women Physicians to Empower Change. Should anyone wish to purchase a centennial scarf or 100th anniversary book on the history of FMWC, please visit
Dr Shelley Ross, National Coordinator