

  • MWIA Near East and Africa Regional Congress is scheduled on 8-10 May 2024 at the Radisson Hotel, Livingstone, Zambia. Theme of the Congress: “Upscaling Health Equity through Partnership, Innovation and Research”. For more information, please contact: 
  • The Philippines Medical Women’s Association will host the Western Pacific Regional Conference in Cebu, Philippines 18-20 July 2024. 
  • 10th Central Asia Regional Congress 2024 hosted by the Thai Medical Women’s Association (TMWA) and Association of Medical Women in India (AMWI). It will be held 22-24 August 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. 
  • The Federation of Medical Women of Canada (FMWC) will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary on September 26-28, 2024 in Ottawa, so please mark your calendars. As part of the Celebration, FMWC has announced a Commemorative Scarf Design Competition with the deadline of submission of the images/designs before March 8, 2024. For more details, please see the September 2024 Report from Canada.