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National Reports from USA

Report January – March 2024

Greetings to our MWIA colleagues. It was a pleasure to welcome all who attended our 109th Annual Meeting (virtual) in March. The meeting highlighted women's leadership in healthcare, featuring keynotes from notable figures like NIH Director Dr. Monica Bertagnolli,...

Report October – December 2023

The American Medical Women's Association (AMWA) has been actively engaged in various initiatives, demonstrating a deep commitment to healthcare improvement and advocacy. Here are some recent highlights: Obesity Management: AMWA held a Congressional Briefing in...

Report July – September 2023

Hello from the heart of AMWA.  We are always delighted to champion MWIA’s One Humanity: Health Solutions Mission through our Partnerships. Our emphasis on the importance of Sex and Gender in medicine is a priority. We have secured 70+ copies of "How Sex and Gender...

Report April – June 2023

AMWA had a successful 2023 Annual Meeting, receiving praise from President Biden. The partnership with MWIA resulted in valuable educational presentations. Dr. Elizabeth Garner was introduced as the new AMWA President, and Dr. Susan Thompson Hingle as the...

Report January – March 2023

The AMWA 108th Annual Meeting & MWIA North America Congress, held in March 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was a resounding success, with members attending from across the country. We thank the many members of MWIA who attended. AMWA will make conference...

Report October – December 2022

The American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) ends 2022 with greetings to our MWIA community with wishes for a prosperous and healthy 2023! AMWA is pleased to present the proceedings of the successful November 2021 Sex and Gender Health Education Summit,...

Report July – September 2022

 United States Thanks to MWIA members who attended the March AMWA 2022 meeting. Videos & CME credits are available;    AWMA2023 will be held March 23-26, jointly with the MWIA North America Congress. AMWA delegates, represented by MWIA...

Report January – March 2022

United States AMWA is excited for our 107th Annual Meeting, "Thriving with Tenacity, Humor, and Hope," a virtual meeting, March 24-26, 2022. The program contents are available on the AMWA website at Our keynote speakers and workshops will...