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Report July – September 2023

Report July – September 2023

This is the 5th year of the Leadership Program conducted by the TMWA which has been well received by young Thai medical leaders nationwide with many interesting items on the agenda including this year "Personality Power and Inner Beauty" which supports women in...

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Report July – September 2023

Report July – September 2023

27th July 2023 - President AMWI Dr Mandakini Megh organized an academic program on “Pre-term Labour”. 28th July 2023 - Dr Mandakini Megh chaired the SIG Webinar on Elimination of Cancers in Women - Global Experience 29th July 2023 - Dr Megh delivered Keynote addresses...

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Report July – September 2023

Report July – September 2023

Hello from the heart of AMWA.  We are always delighted to champion MWIA’s One Humanity: Health Solutions Mission through our Partnerships. Our emphasis on the importance of Sex and Gender in medicine is a priority. We have secured 70+ copies of "How Sex and Gender...

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Report July – September 2023

Report July – September 2023

MWAZ MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: BRIDGING GAPS AND FORGING BONDS- 22nd JULY 2023 On July 22nd, the graduation of Cohort 2 of the MWAZ mentorship program was joyously celebrated. This mentorship program linked accomplished female doctors and dental surgeons with aspiring...

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Report July – September 2023

Report July – September 2023

WEBINAR ON LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE: Held on April 20, 2023 with the topic ‘Nation Building and Governance in Nigeria’ by the first female Minister of Health in Nigeria, Prof. Adenike Grange WORLD IMMUNIZATION WEEK (24th- 30th April, 2023): Marked to create awareness...

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Report July – September 2023

Report July – September 2023

IML participated in the second MWIA Global Coordination Meeting (GCM) on 24th June 2023. As a follow-up, WIML registered on the World Health Organization (WHO) Knowledge Sharing Platform on Emergency Preparedness and Community Health engagement of National...

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Report July – September 2023

Report July – September 2023

Regional and executive meetings The MWAG Executive continues to plan and execute activities as well as organize Continuous Professional Development for members. A virtual Emergency meeting was held on the 31st of August to deliberate on Constitutional review....

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Report July – September 2023

Report July – September 2023

The Cameroon Medical Women Association created in 1991 is currently involved in preparation of its 30 anniversary planned for November 2021.
CMWA gathers almost 300 female doctors nationwide and is specifically committed in improving sexual and reproductive health.

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Report July – September 2023

Report July – September 2023

This quarter the AGM took place in our capital Berlin. First of all, the "Courageous Lioness" was awarded to Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kaczmarczyk for special achievements for the equality of female physicians and pioneer of gender medicine. Since 2001, our organisation...

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Report July – September 2023

Report July – September 2023

The Medical Women’s Federation (MWF) has just elected a new Honorary Secretary, Dr Becs Winterborn, following the very sad death of Dr Anthea Mowat. Anthea was a much-loved member of the Executive who was involved in many BMA committees, and particularly stood up for...

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Report July – September 2023

Report July – September 2023

The 5th Annual Women in Medicine in Ireland Network (WIMIN) Conference was held in Limerick on Saturday, 7th October. With 150 in-person registrations and up to 50 attendees online, this was our biggest attendance to date. We were delighted to welcome student members...

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Report April – June 2023

Report April – June 2023

During the last three months, the most important activity of the Taiwan Medical Women’s Association was to held its regular "Board of Directors meeting" on Apr 8, 2023 after their annual spring trip in March. The Board Meeting was held hybrid to allow most of the...

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Report April – June 2023

Report April – June 2023

The KMWA raised 16,000 USD for earthquake relief fund (10,000 USD) for the young girls who are victims of earthquake in the Republic of Turkiye, MWIA Emergency Fund (5,000 USD) and travelling fund for Secretary General to and from Turkey. So far, 96 individual members...

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Report April – June 2023

Report April – June 2023

W7 Japan 2023 SummitThe G7 Hiroshima Summit, chaired by Japan, was held from 19th-21st May and the W7 prepared a communiqué for the G7 Summit. President Maeda became an advisor to the W7 and was instrumental in the preparation of the communiqué. There are five working...

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Report April – June 2023

Report April – June 2023

King’s Birthday Honours A/Prof Magdalena Simonis AM: - appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for significant service to medicine through a range of roles, and to women's health - COVID-19 Champion’s list Dr Elizabeth Rickman AM: - for her service to...

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