MWF members held an online meeting to discuss the value of MWIA to MWF, and how MWF members could be better informed of what MWIA is doing. This discussion highlighted for me how important the roles of regional vice-president (VP) and national coordinator (NC) are,...
Professor Jane Dacre is MWF’s new president-elect. She is a Consultant Rheumatologist and professor of medical education, a past president of the Royal College of Physicians, and a leading author on 2 important reports on Women in Medicine – ‘Women and Medicine:...
Our current president, Professor Scarlett McNally is a truly innovative leader. She writes regular editorials for the British Medical Journal, statements on multiple topics including women doctors’ careers and sexual harassment, and letters to influential medical...
The Medical Women’s Federation (MWF) continues to thrive under the leadership of Professor Scarlett McNally, submitting evidence to the government and attending parliamentary events on issues such as sexual harassment; and collaborating with medical organisations such...
The Medical Women’s Federation (MWF) has just elected a new Honorary Secretary, Dr Becs Winterborn, following the very sad death of Dr Anthea Mowat. Anthea was a much-loved member of the Executive who was involved in many BMA committees, and particularly stood up for...
Since the Annual General Meeting in May this year the new president of the Medical Women’s Federation (MWF) is Professor Scarlett McNally, an orthopaedic surgeon and mother of four. Scarlett writes a piece for the British Medical Journal (BMJ) every month on topical...