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Report January – March 2023

Report January – March 2023

The Annual Board meeting and the connected Spring Meeting of the Swedish Medical Women’s Association (KLF) took place in Stockholm in March. The theme of the day was “The Unequal Stress”. We learnt that family responsibility and the unequal distribution of housework...

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Report October – December 2022

Report October – December 2022

The Taiwan medical woman association (TMWA) holds its annual congress every December. The latest one was in December, themed “Challenges and Chances for Medical women”, in which the council members and auditors were renewed and Prof. Chyong-Heuy Lai was elected as the new president (2020/12-2023/12).
Since July of 2019, the TMWA planned its regular Local Organizing Committee (LOC) meetings in preparation of holding the 2022 MWIA Congress. The COVID-19 pandemic has some influence but not so much as many of other countries in 2020, however, several association events for the members might be changed, especially from late April of 2021. Overall, it has been our priority to plan a successful triennial meeting for the MWIA Congress to be held in 2022 in Taiwan.

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Report October – December 2022

Report October – December 2022

On 9 October 2022 the Thai Medical Women’s Association (TMWA) held their Annual General Meeting. Their activities included the new executive committee election; the Outstanding Medical Women Awards were awarded to Dr. Amporn Benjaponpithak and Dr. Panrudee...

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Report October – December 2022

Report October – December 2022

Report AMWI Council On 18 Oct 2022 a Breast Cancer awareness webinar was organized by AMWI & AMWN (Association of Medical Women of Nagpur). On 3 & 10 Dec 2022 Dr Nalini Kurvey talked on Cancer awareness at Ganeshpeh Chal & at Ishwar Deshmukh College of...

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Report October – December 2022

Report October – December 2022

The website is http://www.abmmnacional.com. The main activities are outlined below: Bimonthly virtual business meetings led by Dr Elizabeth R. G. Alexandre, current ABMM National President, Dr Ana Regina C. Vlainich ABMM Sao Paulo sectional region current president...

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Report October – December 2022

Report October – December 2022

The American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) ends 2022 with greetings to our MWIA community with wishes for a prosperous and healthy 2023! AMWA is pleased to present the proceedings of the successful November 2021 Sex and Gender Health Education Summit,...

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