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Welcome from MWIA President, Dr Eleanor Nwadinobi

“I warmly welcome you on behalf of the Medical Women’s International Association (MWIA) executive and members. MWIA greatly appreciate and acknowledge the efforts, dedication and commitment of the MWIA web team MWIA Past President Prof Bettina Pfleiderer, and MWIA...

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Training Manual on Gender Mainstreaming in Health

Training Manual on Gender Mainstreaming in Health

Following the 4th International Conference on Women’s Health in Beijing in 1994, governments committed to adding a gender perspective to health care policies. Although much good work has been done since Beijing, health care workers, including physicians, generally do not have a good understanding of the significance of applying a gender perspective to health care. Incorporating a gender perspective into both clinical practice and health care policy has been shown to improve the health of both women and men.

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Feminisation of Medicine

Feminisation of Medicine

Even in 2014, the increased number of women in medicine is still believed to cause serious workforce problems and may even hurt patients. An article of Prof. Thomas, a British Surgeon lead to quite some furor at the beginning of 2014. The Medical Women´s Federation of UK responded to his article in January 2014.

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Training Manual for Adolescent Sexuality

Training Manual for Adolescent Sexuality

MWIA’s Training Manual for Adolescent Sexuality has been developed to help physicians address the concerns, questions and problems that adolescents experience in dealing with their sexuality. Its intent is to help physicians play an important role in teaching adolescents about “healthy sexuality.” It uses cases to make the information understandable and relevant to physicians. The purpose of the manual is to improve clinical practice in this area and to facilitate and enhance physician input into policy development with respect to community health and education.

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Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS

Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS

Nowhere is the need for a gender perspective greater than in HIV/AIDS. Despite the knowledge of how the heterosexual transmission of HIV/AIDS occurs, women are at a greater risk than men for contracting the infection through unprotected intercourse, both through the impact of biology and gender.

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